Sunday, January 30, 2011

Welcome to my Mobile-Home-Office!

The Jeep is packed. She's a good old girl, stuffed to the gills with camping gear, costumes, an entire sewing facility, and 100+ capes. I am proud to say that it all fit INSIDE the car though! I didn't even have to lash anything to the roof!

It is nice to think that everything I need fits inside one car. In fact, once I deliver Teri's order I'll have tons of room. I MIGHT even be able to see out the back window. Shocking I know. But then there are semantics. Everything I NEED fits inside one car. That is not to say everything I HAVE is inside that car right now.

What's left?
There are the books...tons of books. Spilling out of the four tier book shelf at my dads, stacked in piles on the floor, taking over one corner of the room. My room. He made sure I was clear on that before I left. "Honey" he said "You just need to know, this will always be your space. No matter where you go, if you need to come back, this room is waiting for you. We always want you back." That was nice. I do love that room. It is the only thing that hasn't changed since I was a child. I think I was seven, maybe six, years old when we moved into this house. The walls are a color I picked, all the things on the wall are things I have hung: photos from high school and college, artwork from friends, world maps. I like this room. I like knowing that it is there waiting for me, even if I'm not using it. As long as I have that room, I'll still mean Annapolis when I say "home".

Anyway, What else have I left behind?
Some boxes of clothes, a BIG box of shoes, maybe some blankets and towels. All of these things are shoved in a small closet in the guest room of my mom's new house. I guess thats still not too bad, one car and one closet worth of stuff. I wonder what the expiration date on those boxes is though. How long does that stuff sit before I realize I never really needed any of it and I should have given it away ages ago? Or maybe instead I realize I can't live without those three dozen pairs of shoes and a permanent home filled with my things starts to sound mighty nice. Nicer than the freedom of mobility I have now. Or maybe the boxes will remain irrelevant and the need to nest will only kick in once there's someone worth building a nest around.

Whatever my future self finally realizes, I don't really care! I'm done planning, forecasting, day dreaming. I leave tomorrow morning and start living in the present. Success or failure come what may, I'm going to get down to the business of living and let my emotions call the shots for a spell, mainly happiness. I'm going to be guided by the things that make me happy.

Here's to mobile-home-office-happiness!


1 comment:

  1. You shame me, Erica. There are several closets and corners that have things which haven't been touched since before Mel was born...wish I had a bulldozer.

    Rule of thumb - you will expand your stuff to fill the space you occupy!
